
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Prayers For Jack Update and Blog On The Move

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been hear to blog much the last few months and especially lately. After a lot of frustrations, I have decided to try Typepad for blogging and so far so good. Hopefully this is the last time I have to move. If you look around the blog you can see it is pretty spare... I lost all your comments, my links, widgets etc. But I'm starting over.

Jack's updates will stay right here. That way we dont' have to worry about a lot of people switching blog addresses to check.

My Blog is now at Along The Way. I invite all my friends and family to join me there.

A long overdue update on Jack. First of all he did complete the six weeks of chemo and radiation and it was NOT fun. Lots of side effects, most, but not all of which are subsiding. That is something he will continue to need prayer with in the long haul.

A week or so ago he had testing done on his heart to make sure that the radiation did not cause damage and it initially looks okay! We are praising God for that. They will have the full report from the doctor next week.

The next step in the journey is tomorrow, Friday, June 19, 2009. Jack will be having another balloon procedure to stretch his esophagus. At that time the doctor will also be able to view what or if there is any damage from the radiation to the esophagus and the throat as well as sort out any other issues that may be causing or compounding eating issues. Please pray for Jack in this procedure that involves anesthesia, as well as for wisdom for the doctors in discerning what to do.

After these things are all sorted out, Jack will be chemotherapy again in a couple weeks. This will be the type that he receives via IV at the infusion center for five days. Then there will be another month wait and then one more round of that... then hopefully the "torture" will be done!

Thank you all for praying. I'm sure you know this has not been easy at all, BUT it's nice to know there is a whole army of prayer warriors around the world interceding on your behalf! We love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Teresa,
It is Theresa from Louisiana. This is what i would do if I had cancer. In addition to Jack's regular medical healing protocols, please have Jack try the Johanna Budwig protocol. It is flax seed oil emulsified in yogurt. It really does heal. Please try it. Use a hand held blender(stick blender) and use the 3:1 ratio for yogurt to oil. 3/4 C yogurt and add 1/4 c Flax seed oil blend well, and add 1/8 c frozen, organic berry mix and 1 Tbs. honey. Blend this well. Eat this 3 times a day. This combo works and really oxygenates the blood, improves stools, and circulation. In all things, may GOD bless you, your mother, Ruth, and Jack